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Education, Tolerance and Peace for Equal Opportunities

The 6th International Congress Education, Tolerance and Peace for Equal Opportunities took place online on October 11-13, 2021.

Alfred Nobel University (Dnipro, Ukraine) ?? in partnership with the Contemporary Educational Research Association (CEAD) (Muğla, Turkey) ?? made great efforts to hold the International Contemporary Educational Research Congress.

The guests of honor were Prof. Dr. Michael Murphy, President of European University Association, and Prof. Dr. Marcelo Knobel, Member of the Magna Charta Observatory board.

Recent years have been marked by the international initiatives to comprehensively solve the situation which humanity faced. Many of these initiatives have given positive results. The global social and political crisis requests new ways to resolve it. It is obvious that the existence of mankind depends on the new approaches and principles of social functioning. We believe that the global crisis is also caused by the dysfunction of modern educational systems which do not meet the social expectations.

Borys Kholod, the Founder and President of Alfred Nobel University and the initiator of the Congress, is convinced that it is education which is the key to solve the problems

“Science and education as means of upbringing and enlightening personality must inevitably find a way to sustainable peace in the world. I am confident that today's International Congress Education, Tolerance and Peace for Equal Opportunities will be a call to unite all countries on all continents. for the sake of peace, education, tolerance and equal opportunities for everyone. Education, its accessibility, content and quality has always been understood as one of the key factors in the development and survival of mankind,” – said Borys Kholod, Founder and President of Alfred Nobel University.

Today, more than ever, we have to strengthen efforts to internationalize and transfer affordable and quality education as a space for intercultural dialogue, integration of scientific and historical experience gained by peoples over the millennia of development.

Education lays the foundation for the future generations activities. The agenda for tomorrow is written in today's lecture halls and university libraries. It is important to learn not only to respond to emerging problems, but also to anticipate and prevent them. Education appeals to the leaders of all countries, to politicians, to the public, to each and every person having the power to bring countries and peoples closer, discovering the universal principles of student fraternity, academic partnership and human unity.

Therefore, when we search for ways to solve global educational challenges we should ensure comprehensive development of young people including both professional approach and humanity, tolerance and responsibility to future generations. Such an approach not only gives a person a foothold and makes him stronger, but also helps to prevent poverty, bigotry and violence.

It is young people that we entrust sustainable social development, innovative approaches to initiate a new era of humanity. Alfred Nobel University joined this movement and since 2016 when suggested by the President of the University together with the Parliament of students from 36 countries who study at our university organized and annually holds the Nobel Open Forum – Unification Day of Students from Europe, America, Asia, Africa with the slogan Education and Peace for the Equal Opportunities of Everyone on Planet Earth

To support such plans, Borys Kholod and Alfred Nobel University will initiate and hold in November 2023 a World Congress of University Rectors “Peace and Knowledge: The Main Factors of Human Civilization Survival”, to be held in Ukraine at Alfred Nobel University.

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